The “Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan” spent the month of February successfully.

The month of February is a month filled with memories of the great language martyrs’ sacrifice.This month is the month of the language known to the Bengali nation. Culture’s relationship with language is very strong.The first half of this month, the representatives of the people of Bengal, the vibrant “Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan” spent some busy time on the path of practicing our healthy culture.From the beginning of the month, the organization had to spend quite a few busy days for the duties of performing “poter gaan” [a kind of local song perform by potua] at the “Start 19″ programme of the Faculty of Arts”.

Then on February 10, members of the “Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan” presented the bandana music “Maa Janani” at the Saraswati Puja of Chittagong University.
And Poter gaan “Radhakrishna’s Love”.

One day after that, on the last day of the 12.02.2019, In Chittagong University Faculty’s program “Open Art”, the ” Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan” showcased Bari Siddiqui’s famous folk song “Lelua Batashe Pran” in addition to the above two performances.

The cultural organization that contributed to our Liberation War & our beloved organization is “Udichi. At the ” Pahela Falgun” programme of the “Udichi” branch of Chittagong University, the “Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan” performed the traditional dance drama “Gambhira” as an invited organization.The day was the first day of the Falgun & the date was 13-02-2019.

One day The organization dreams of seeing a healthy culture of rural Bengal and soon it may also see the face of light unlike any kind of culture, the culture of the soil and human life of this country will stand high above for it’s own greatness.

Abdullah Al Maruf
(Founder President, Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan)

Tasnim Binta Saif

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