January 17th, 2015. Gambhira, a traditional folk drama of rural Bengal, performed by the “Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan” in the Quantum Foundation, Chittagong branch.
Quantum Foundation, Chittagong branch, organized this fair on the occasion of the festival of “Poush Sankranti.”
This was the first program of “Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan” outside the domestic program.
On this day, the performers in various characters participated in the performance “Gambhira” were:
As grandfather, Zulkarnain Sadman (Chittagong District Branch),
As grandson, Abdullah Al Maruf (Founding President, Lokojo Sanskritik Sangathan)
Those who served as Dohar were,
1. Mahbubullah Rafi (Chittagong District Branch)
2. Nadita Pal (Founding Organizing Secretary, Chittagong University Branch)
3.Md.Mizanur Rahman (Founding General Secretary, Chittagong University Branch)
4. Moshfeq Zaman Safal
(Member, Chittagong University Branch)
5. Shribanti Sandhya Shikdar (Former Publicity Secretary, Chittagong University Branch)
1. Mani Das (Former Member, Chittagong University Branch).
In addition to the spontaneous participation of the members of the organization, each and every visitor who was present on the occasion was enjoying the day in a spontaneous manner.
The fair premises were also joking about the grandfather & the grandchildren of the performance.